Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fruit Season

for the pass few days the smell of durian has been permeating the air round the neighbourhood. how to resist - so today decided to go on a mini road trip to hunt for the king of fruit after the kids piano lesson. we went along the old Papar road - ya, so far kan - an excuse to jalan-jalan bah. my Boy loves durian and could eat a whole fruit if he can get away with it. since he is still recovering from a nasty cough, he was only permitted to a few pieces - he was not happy. my Girl used to like durian but now not so much - she will eat only one piece which makes the brother happy cause more for him.

mangosteen, wild rambutan & langsat
cempedak & tarap
dahit (yellow durian)
feet are also involved in opening a durian ;)


Ben said...

I LOOOve durians too, but can't take too much now as my body will tell me off ;)

all-is-off said...

everything in moderation but kids never want to listen one :)