Wednesday, October 20, 2010


to challenge my normal bike workout i've decided to get cleats fixed to my shoe so i can clip it to the bike peddles - it's harder to "curi ayam" if your shoes are clipped to the peddle ;)

before driving all the way to the bike shop in Tg Aru, Husband said we check out the new 88 Commercial Centre (Lintas Kepayan Highway). unfortunately their stock hadn't arrived so in the end we had to go to Tg Aru.

bike peddle
shoe before the cleats
shoe after the cleats

as we were driving out, Husband spotted this restaurant and since he hadn't eaten lunch yet we stopped to makan before proceeding to Tg Aru.

Husband's lunch (ginger chicken rice) - ok lah was his comment on the food
i tried their "Ying Yong" coffee & tea - interesting flavour - i like!