i'm scared of heights - there i said it! that wasn't always the case - as a kid growing up i used to climb trees (e.g. pokok jambu, rambutan). my fear of heights crept in my late twenties and it has gotten worse now that i have kids - i can't even go on a ferris wheel now!
i set a target to climb this wall before the end of September and today was my last day to do that and i'm so happy that i actually did climb up to the very top of the kids wall and also the starter wall and this is my first time climbing! and i hope to do the beginners wall soon.
i wasn't feeling too good when i stepped up to the wall (felt faint!) - the wall looked a lot different up close i tell you! i got my kids instructor, Roy (who is super patience), to belay me - the poor guy weigh less than me some more! he told me i could do it, to trust in him and the equipment. my hands were shaking so bad when i got down (ha ha ha ha) - i only felt the hurt in my arms after a couple of minutes - after the adrenaline wore off ;)
i'm so disappointed the lady didn't take a picture of me at the top of the kids wall :(