Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cap Goh Mei

i don't think i could have picked up the pieces of me this morning if i didn't have a class to teach. will definitely get a massage later today. the little ones in my class were so amuse with my "man voice" - result of playing in the sun the whole day with a sore throat.

just really a slow Sunday for us to recover from yesterday. wondered who turned up for ultimate today?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Purple Reign

didn't get much sleep last night as the nerves had kicked in. woke up early as had to leave the house by 6:30am to have breakfast before the tourne. the day promised to be a scorcher and it didn't disappoint.

we lost our first game to Yellow Sunshine. beat Blue Barracuda and Green Peace but lost to Red Chili. we played Green Peace again in the finals and became the first ever winner of the Borneo Headhunter's Hat - Purple Reign!!

was a long tiring day - we had no energy left after dinner to go for the after game party and i was in bed by 9:30pm as i've developed a massive headache. yes, i'm finally admitting that i'm OLD!!

(photo thanks to Nex Xen)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Under the Weather

got up this morning with a sore throat and achy joints - crap man why now just one more day before the tourne. glad i went for the spinning class though as sweated loads which helped but the stretch class after that nearly killed me.

what is people's obsession with their handphone? during one of the recovery period in the spinning class out of the corner of my eye i saw one of the ladies texting and i'm like how disrespectful is that to the instructor - i know it didn't ring (maybe i didn't hear it over the loud music) but if it was so darn important that you couldn't wait till the class was over take it OUTSIDE! how are you going to improve if you are not focus in class but that is just me. i fell better now - ha!ha!ha!

managed to run but didn't get far (3K) - have lots to do before May!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Slow Wednesday

morning started on a sad note - someone had knocked down a puppy near the corner to the kid's school. the mother dog was licking and nudging the puppy to get up and you could see she was quite upset. she was still there on my way back after dropping the kids off at school. it's a devastating thing to lose a child and even animals have that same instinct and that is why i could never understand how some people could mistreat animals. we have one turtle, two dogs and a dozen fishes. my Boy wants a cat now - i don't think so, who is going to clean up the mess once the dogs get the cat? he actually brought a cat home once thinking maybe i would change my mind once i've seen how cute it was but it didn't work. don't get me wrong i love cats but our dogs don't share that feeling.

my car went in for service this morning so went for breakfast to one of the many places i read in the Ong Sisters' blog so if anyone have no idea where to eat next time check out their blog.

didn't get to run today as my Husband came home late and it started to rain :(

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back to the Gym

had to really drag myself back to the gym today after doing NOTHING for two whole weeks (expect for ultimate on Sunday). i try not to miss spinning class and our "fierce" instructor Angeline is back (i'm kidding! she just looks fierce - ha ha ha). thanks for going easy today Angeline - i think most of us are still in holiday mood. i've even forgotten how to set up the bike! *shakes head* i've finally decided to do the 10K run in May so can't be missing anymore spinning class and need to start running again in the evening :( dont' know if i can better my time but will give it a good try. anybody else doing the Borneo Marathon this year?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Blues

it's back to waking up at 5am. kids are back to school after a week off for the chinese new year. they got up at 5:30am today (i normally get them up at 6am) excited to get back to school. i hope this will last through out their schooling years :) . after dropping them at school went for breakfast with my girlfriend T as she is leaving back to KL tomorrow - hope you get transferred back here soon. last of all i'm grateful to Sifu Mimie again for helping me navigate this world of blogging - hope i won't be too much of a pest. i think if i go often enough to your place i'll want another baby as Baby Mia is such a good baby. so how about it Husband - want to try for another one? ah ha ha ha

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Frisbee Sunday

there are two things that i do on Sundays - go to church in the morning and play ultimate frisbee in the evening. i've been playing coming to two years now - i don't do well under pressure so my throwing still sucks. i took up ultimate after a lot of "sweet talk" by a girlfriend i've known since primary school - it took her over a year to persuade me to try the sport. why that long? cause my kids were younger and it's hard to focus on the game when your kids are trying to get your attention every five minutes and the other reason, i was heavy and unfit. but i took ultimate as challenge to whip myself into shape - i'm still trying to lose a lot more weight but my fitness level have come a long way. my Girl has a decent throw - we only have to work on the direction now. as for my Boy, well let's just say that his throwing still needs a LOT of work.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

In the Beginning

this is not as hard as i thought it would be - thanks Mimie for the tips. i suppose starting is easy but to continue writing is another story :). i've decided to challenge myself this year to do two things - to blog and learn to use a digital camera - i chose these two because i'm a very "technology challenged" person (see Husband it's not too late for a "mature person" to learn something). i've also started to forget things which has sort of scare me sometimes so by doing this i'm able to record things - i'm a stay at home mum who needs a challenge or lose her grey matter sooner then she likes!

so if anyone should happen to stumble upon my humble space - OMG perasaan already that someone would be interested in what i have to say (ah ha ha ha). anyways, should warn you people that i'll be writing a lot about mundane stuff so no hard feelings if i don't see you again - thanks for dropping by.