Saturday, February 20, 2010

In the Beginning

this is not as hard as i thought it would be - thanks Mimie for the tips. i suppose starting is easy but to continue writing is another story :). i've decided to challenge myself this year to do two things - to blog and learn to use a digital camera - i chose these two because i'm a very "technology challenged" person (see Husband it's not too late for a "mature person" to learn something). i've also started to forget things which has sort of scare me sometimes so by doing this i'm able to record things - i'm a stay at home mum who needs a challenge or lose her grey matter sooner then she likes!

so if anyone should happen to stumble upon my humble space - OMG perasaan already that someone would be interested in what i have to say (ah ha ha ha). anyways, should warn you people that i'll be writing a lot about mundane stuff so no hard feelings if i don't see you again - thanks for dropping by.