Thursday, June 24, 2010

Milky Tea

it's now a ritual for us to stop at Easy Way for milky tea after the kids finish Kumon on Thursdays. there's no need for me to tell the young man behind the counter as he knows what i'll order every time i turn up but i do order something different once in a while just to keep him on his toes (he he he he).

Easy Way

my Girl's favourite

tuna cheese (she sanggup forgo the milky tea for this)

milky tea with pearls

i was surprised when my Boy told me he wanted milky tea as he's very particular with what he eats or drinks. he has yet to try eating vegetables (raw or cooked) - not from my lack of trying. what really upsets me is that he doesn't want to try - if he at least tries he might actually like it. he's very stubborn on this matter which my Husband says comes from my side of the family - ya, all the good traits comes from his side and bad ones from my side (funny Husband).

he didn't really like it when he first tasted his father's milky tea due to the chewy pearls thingy - it's hard to avoid getting some into your mouth every time you take a sip. he spat every single pearl out then drank the tea but now he polishes the whole thing - pearls included......go figure.