Friday, November 5, 2010

Wisdom Tooth

the first time my Mum took me to see a dentist was to extract a tooth and to this day i've always "not like" visiting the dentist. i have been avoiding visiting one for years (i mean yeeaarrss) till last year when i couldn't take the pain anymore. a friend of my Husband happens to have a brother who is a dentist so we gave him a try and was really happy with his work. took the kids next to check their teeth (no extraction!) so they are also happy with him. he is so patience and understood my fear and did a good job getting me to relax - he first did my scaling and also informed me that i needed to extract my wisdom teeth (all four) and i'm like no way Jose! i still have all my original teeth okay and tried to negotiate with him to save them but he didn't think it was worth saving. he never pressured me to get it removed just told me to think about it and make an appointment when i'm ready to do it. yes, i'm a coward where needles, blood and pain are concern!

it has taken me half a year to make this appointment today to get my wisdom teeth removed. the real reason is because it has come to a point where every time i eat something it hurts! he recommended doing upper and lower on one side first but when he said that he needed to do minor surgery (cut my gum a bit) on my lower one which freaked me out so decided to just do the upper one first. i had my eyes closed the whole time - Husband was graphic enough in describing the procedure later. no, it didn't hurt at all and he was so fast that i was like "what do you mean it's done?!" i'm in love with my dentist! (sorry Husband) - Husband was impressed and said that he was better than the last dentist he went to. my next appointment is next Wednesday to extract number 2 and do some filling.

please be warned some (two) of the following picture are not a pretty sight - you have been warned :)

reception desk
Husband's sexy knee
other patients waiting

dentist chair
Dr Lawrence checking what needed to be done - what do people normally do with their hands?? do i look relax?
pix 1 & 3 lower wisdom teeth and pix 2 & 4 upper wisdom teeth - number 4 got removed today
injection to numb the the area - lucky i didn't look at it before or would have fainted!
feeling dizzy after the injection - didn't hurt just got myself worked up for the extraction!
nitrous oxide/laughing gas - no he didn't use it on me ;)
what is the relevance of this two shots?? don't ask me as Husband had the camera - he got bored maybe?
one down three more to go! gross kan?!

okay the pain killer is wearing off now so will go and pop another one. thanks Dr Lawrence for allowing my better half to take pictures. below is his address for anyone looking for a good dentist (appointment needed) and ask for the young Dr Wong as his father still practices ~

No. 25, Jalan Tugu, Kampung Air
88000 Kota Kinabalu
Tel.: (088) 252 019


Ben said...

Wow, congrats! You are so brave. I have been putting off going to dentist for 2 yrs now... still plucking up courage to make an appt ;))

all-is-off said...

i had no choice was in too much pain (ha ha ha) - give this Dr Lawrence a try - he's really good - good luck :)