Tuesday, July 20, 2010

1st Official Function

for me anyway. i've been appointed as Assistant Secretary to the Catholic Women's League - it's a two year post :(

the new committee members were elected on the 4 July 2010. after the biennial general meeting i was handed this ticket for the dinner celebrating Reverend Johnny Raju eight years of service.

was hoping that it wouldn't rain this evening but no such luck. i really don't like driving at night (especially if i'm using contact lens) and to top it off it's raining heavily some more! parked behind the restaurant but misjudged the distance so had to walk a bit. my feet were wet and cold by the time i found my table :(

(photo from website as it was pouring rain)

i didn't dare take anymore photos as the look from my fellow diners weren't encouraging ;( - the food was okay only. the biggest surprise (for me anyway) was how good a singer Reverend Michael Modoit was - i knew he sings but didn't realise he was that good! Steffy you should have entertained us with a song or two. there was one singer who "stood out" - one brother from Tuaran - if i was drinking my tea at that time i probably would have sprayed my fellow diners - ha ha ha ha.


SteffianaJ said...

Haha. Father Michael is a very good singer indeed :D

Aiyo auntie. We were waiting for the MC come to our table bh dat. To ask representative from Penampang. But no luck. Ngee~ What to do..

Yup. The brother from Tuaran. SO funny. I was laughing too. LOL! I can't stop loving you~~ ala2 Rod Stewart :D

all-is-off said...

aiya why didn't you write your request on a piece of paper and give it to the MC? hope next time he won't be allowed to sing again - anybody with a weak heart would have pengsan - ha ha ha