Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Visit to Carmelite

woke up feeling like this - either i caught it from my Boy or from getting wet last night. used to get sick once a year but since gotten older it's more frequent. *shakes head* wish i had a copy of me to get up and do all my daily chores and allow the sick me to stay in bed ;(

anyways, this didn't stop my Husband and i visiting the Carmelite nuns - we had gone to see them two weeks ago for help and have returned today to thank them for their prayers.

my Mum's oldest sister was a nun here till her death a couple of years ago. i still remember Mum taking us kids to visit her whenever we came to KK - i was fascinated to be talking to my Aunt through bars and mesh.

Husband and i used to attend mass (at the chapel) here every first Friday of the month when i was pregnant with our daughter - remember Husband?

the steep climb leading up to the monastery
stairs going up to the visiting room
a revolving 'window' for visitors to place things and talk to the nun