during lunch on Wednesday i noticed that my Boy's front gum was bleeding (nnooooo) - i don't deal well with blood! anyway, his front tooth has been loose for a while now and it looked like it's time to come out. boys being boys he started to fiddle with it - only with the threat that his father was going to use a thread and yank it out that made him stop. when Father came home from work, our friend was proud to show his Dad that his tooth is about to fall out and Dad was happy to pull it out for him. boy, you should have heard the screaming and crying like he was bleeding to death! oh my, the Sister hardly made a sound when any of her teeth were pulled out. that's why i like to call him my little drama queen! this his second teeth but the first front tooth to go. very very early Thursday morning he woke his father to tell him that the tooth fairy had taken his tooth and left his rm1 - Father was not amuse. and yes my kids still believe in the tooth fairy so sshhh don't tell them that it's actually Mummy.
yesterday evening i dragged my Husband to Karamunsing Kompleks to get a digital camera. i'm not only the assistant secretary but now have been assigned to assist in publicity (don't ask me cause i haven't a clue) - all i understand from it is that i'm to take photos for any functions that is organised by the CWL. my excuses that i don't know how to take proper photos and have only started to learn how to use a digital camera fell on deaf ears and was given the task of buying a camera (budget rm500). as i'm still clueless like ada kah digital camera less than rm1000(?) - poor Husband was forced to help me in my quest. and this is what we managed to buy - cost rm490. we decided on this brand as i'm using a Panasonic similar to this one but with more features so i'm comfortable with it. i've already been given an assignment this Sunday!
J posted this on FB a while back - made me miss playing ultimate lah. maybe i turun padang this Sunday. i haven't played for two months now and i'm wondering if i still remember how to throw the disc. have a wonderful weekend everyone!
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1 year ago
wah. gud cam dat aunt. lumix brand kan. hoho :D
yes, it's a good brand but you also have to see who takes the shots - ha ha ha ha
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