Tuesday, July 13, 2010


yep know today is not Saturday - i'm not that senile yet thank you. and no this is not going to be turning into a food blog. just wanted to share where my kids like to have breakfast on Saturdays. i get to wake a little late on Saturdays as the kids' art class doesn't start till 10:30am. this is the only place they want to have breakfast (if it's open).

love their kacang merah/hijau cause they have mandarin peel added - nice -

UFO (yes for real) that's what this is called -UFO - S'kan mari - ♥♥♥

kids have requested that they stop art class for now as it's too much for them what with tuition on weekdays and art on Saturday morning and piano in the afternoon. they won't mind going for art class during school holidays. i'm just happy to sleep in a bit more. *clap hands*